A meeting with the authors and protagonists of RED
Dancers Liu Zhuying and Wen Hui were born in the 1960s at the time of the Great Chinese Famine. They grew up during the Cultural Revolution. As children they underwent very difficult training in ballet school, which was meant to prepare them for the propaganda ballet Red Women's Battalion, the flagship of Communist China under Mao Zedong. Dancers Li Yuyao and LI Xinmin were born in the 1980s. Today they are around 30 years old. In a meeting with the artists we will ask:
What can one overcome to save one's own life? Where do the limits of human freedom lie?
In English.
Free entry, reserve your seat at:
Jitka Kostelníková, 737 56 44 65, jitka.kostelnikova@archatheatre.cz
International Documentary Theatre Festival – AKCENT 2018
The Cost of Life
25 October – 8 December 2018
Archa Theatre, Prague
#festivalakcent #thecostoflife #document #documentarytheatre