September 2022
Conference Theatre and politics
30 Years of Continuo TheatreA public conference called Theatre and Politics will be held in Archa Theatre before the performance Noon about the life and activities of Natalya Gorbanevskaya, one of the eight protesters against the occupation of Czechoslovakia protested in Red Square in Moscow in 1968. The representatives of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, the Václav Havel Library, the cancelled institution Memorial from Moscow and other guests are going to take part in the conference that will be presented by Michaela Stoilová, a Russian studies scholar and translator, and the co-author of the book For Your Freedom and Ours.
Continuo Theatre repeatedly goes back to such historic political topics of the events of the 20th century which up to now influence the reality of Central Europe area. The Continuo authors are persuaded that these events and the absence of their intentional analysis directly or indirectly influence harmful social climate in the countries of the former Soviet bloc. They show themselves in pathologic phenomena in all levels of the society reminding psychotic reactions of incurred traumas in the form of paranoia, fear of the unknown, the herd instinct, or low self-confidence. Performances and projects of this kind deal with various historic events, they look for their overlap and context in everyday reality of our society.
Following this dramaturgic concept Continuo Theatre has produced a lot of repertory performances, such as The Victim (2009), Neighbours (2012), or Noon (2018), as well as site-specific projects like Scars in Stone (2010), Forgotten in the Fields (2015), or In the Belly of the Whale (2019).
A public conference called Theatre and Politics will be held in Archa Theatre before the performance Noon based on the life and activities of Natalya Gorbanevskaya, one of the eight protesters against the occupation of Czechoslovakia protested in Red Square in Moscow in 1968. The representatives of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, the Václav Havel Library, the cancelled institution Memorial from Moscow and other guests are going to take part in the conference that will be presented by Michaela Stoilová, a Russian studies scholar and translator, and the co-author of the book For Your Freedom and Ours.
In cooperation with the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes and the Václav Havel Library.
October 2022
420PEOPLE & BERG Orchestra & Archa Theatre
420PEOPLE & BERG Orchestra & Archa Theatre
November 2022
Maceo Parker
Presented by ISAMAX s.r.o.postponed from April 6, 2020 / October 25, 2020 / April 11, 2021 / March 20, 2022
December 2022
EKG Of Love and Darkness
Igor Malijevský, Jaroslav Rudiš and guestsMon