September 2022
Continuo Theatre is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its founding. Owing to this, the company is preparing several events and projects held during the year 2022. One of them is the 30 Years of Continuo Theatre festival that takes place in Prague on 19 – 24 September 2022.
During the festival we are going to show current performances Please Leave a Message, Noon, Hic Sunt Dracones and MONSTRUM and here I am blind. They will not be common performances. Some great personalities have been invited to take part in our performances. Roberta Carreri, an actress of Odin Teatret from Danish Holstebro and Leszek Madzik, a director and art manager of Scena Plastyczna KUL from Polish Lublin.
During the festival week we are planning some other events, e. g. workshops for students or a conference about the Czech alternative theatre and companies working after the Velvet Revolution and influencing theatre work up to the present. At the same time a publication called Theatre and Freedom will be launched in cooperation with the Arts and Theatre Institute.
Hic Sunt Dracones
A visual poem – magic and grotesque journey into unknown landscapes combining physical, puppet and visual theatre.
Where do all our thoughts go when we close our eyes at night? When everything, unimaginable during our waking hours, comes to life and our bodies become nothing more than material. What happens when we walk out of the room in the morning, leaving all these dreams, fears and hidden desires alone?
Allegedly, we do not have just one single self, we have several. In everyday life, these selves purposely mediate and limit each other to cope in a socially acceptable manner with daily situations. What happens if one of these uncensored selves becomes free from the others, if it becomes autonomous? The landscape where all this unfolds is uncharted territory, terra incognita.
Ancient cartographers claimed that fantastic monsters and dragons lived in these unexplored areas of the world. In Hic Sunt Dracones, parts of the human body, objects and material unite to form unimaginable landscapes, beings and stories. However, it is not a journey into far-ung regions or fantastic utopias, but a journey into our own minds and the hidden corners of our souls.
Directed by: Pavel Štourač
Cast: Sara Bocchini, Kateřina Šobáňová, Ludmila Ješutová a Diana Khwaja
Visual concept, stage design: Helena Štouračová a Pavel Štourač
Music / Sound design: Jakub Štourač
Light-design: Tomáš Morávek
Production: Zuzana Bednarčiková
Booking: Nikola Križková
Premiere: Plum Yard, Malovice, 13 June 2020
length of the performance: 60 minutes
Meeting with the festival guests
30 Years of Continuo TheatreSat
Conference Theatre and politics
30 Years of Continuo TheatreOctober 2022
420PEOPLE & BERG Orchestra & Archa Theatre
420PEOPLE & BERG Orchestra & Archa Theatre
November 2022
Maceo Parker
Presented by ISAMAX s.r.o.postponed from April 6, 2020 / October 25, 2020 / April 11, 2021 / March 20, 2022
December 2022
EKG Of Love and Darkness
Igor Malijevský, Jaroslav Rudiš and guestsMon